use your login credentials to allow you to browse.place visible.mmt in your mediamall folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMall).download visible.mmt it can be downloaded from this official link: (thanks to u/joik_ for this information).(this workaround works with PlayOn Desktop. ** currently has a login issue with a workaround that uses visible.mmt. if these steps as done exactly above do not work for you please respond to let me know.attempt to record from the offending channel again.

*Clear your CEF cache (on PlayOn Desktop this only works on the currently working channels)
VUDU (gives message "playback is not available for this browser, please upgrade to a newer browser).HBO MAX (gives message "cannot play title make sure your browser is not in private browsing mode").Prime Video (no content displayed on any selection).Spectrum (reported by u/Alastair00 as unbrowsable, I don't have spectrum).CBS (records the first commercial set and doesn't record the show/movie).The Roku Channel (records then freezes after the first commercial.Paramount+ (I can log in, browse and queue up to record but they don't record).Peacock (I can log in, browse and queue up to record but they don't record).Hulu (I can log in, browse and queue up to record but they don't record).Netflix (I can log in, browse and queue up to record but they don't record).Not working list for me (the below appear to be permanently broken) PlayOn Desktop Version Version) Please do not report broken/working channels for PlayOn Home as those will eventually be fixed in an update. Current list of broken and working channels in